Monday 30 April 2012

Day 3- Reality and Synthesis

30 of April, day 3 in the challenge.. Coincidence?
In numerology 3 represents the third dimention so we do things in threes so that they manifest in the physical realm. It means creative power, growth and the moving forward of energy. Overcoming duality, expression, manifestation and synthesis. It contains the beginning, middle and end.
The power of three is universal and is the tripartide nature of the world as heaven, earth, and waters. It is human as body, soul and spirit. 3 is birth, life, death.
I stayed up all night having a very meaningful chat with a girl. The sunrise was beautiful, incredibly clear, sunny and the day was warm. There was a bird outside my window. I decided to do something in this 3D reality and celebrated the number 3 by piercing my nose. Self-shaping and self-defining. A painful physical synthesis. Doesn't hurt anymore. I asked this piece of titanium to inhabit and co-exist with my body harmoniously. Then when I went to University, the ideas just came out of my mouth, fully coherent. Like there is synthesis and transcendence in my life even in the smallest things :)

this is me with a nose stud

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