Friday, 4 May 2012

Days 6 and 7

Yesterday and today's posts are combined into one, for two reasons, one, we already encountered number 3 in numerology and secondly, because both days were dedicated to similar activities, all within the 30 day challenge of learning to live life better.
4th of May, 4 represents the 4th dimension which is time, which is an illusion. Time seems to be flying by lately, this illusion goes by in quick chunks of entire hours! But 4 is at the same time, the first solid number, wholeness, totality and completion occur today. I did do complete (and keep completing practical things today) specially in life respects (what to do with my days?) and some creative things, I have many poster ideas and both yesterday and today I've been writing a song, its silly and its finished.
I booked a ticket to Liverpool. I'm gonna visit friends and I'm excited like a child who has been promised infinite chocolate.
4 is a number of justice and rationality. I have to write a just and rational essay today.
There are 4 cardinal point,  4 seasons, 4 directions and 4 elements, 4 faces of the moon, 4 points of the cross.
This spring day calls for a 'come back down to earth!' attitude to my spaced out self. It's acted a warning telling me to look after practical matters. Writing essays, budgeting money, cleaning, and practicing my fun things, like playing with a guitar and painting, which have to be taken seriously as well. I'm off before I become a square (4) as opposed to a groovy person.
Square (4) picture of an eye I made in paint today.

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