Monday, 21 May 2012

Days 21, 22, 23 and 24- Accelerated Learning

Again, I haven't been able to keep up with this blog daily. I guess that is why I couldn't keep a 9 to 5 job. Inconsistency. I work in spurts of energy. That's how I function. Still, the learning has actually been consistent, great and I would even say, accelerated. Maybe the numerology equivalent of the dates will help me explain: 18+19+20+21=78=7+8=17 1+7=8
Is a number that resolves dualities, its a number of expansion. Lately I have felt that my life is doing nothing but expanding. To see things more clearly. To breathe freedom. Knowledge is definitely freedom and power, specially over yourself. 8 connects spirit and matter. What can I say? I live for my spirit, how else is one to live, but we have to maintain this body. Happiness. Is it to know or to create? Creativity is the hue that paints my world with meaning. 8 also means developing confidence to follow a vision and breaks down barriers of transformation, reality, courage. Today I felt that the Universe likes me, thanks.
There was an eclipse last night. I spent it in a special place of this park, with a very good person. What happened? Grounded-ness, a bit of peace for my heart in this corner of the world, in the middle of such a hectic city as London.
If that peace could have been expanded and made to cover Earth like a blanket... if only.
So, in this life I learn to live... between stars, grass, arguments, love, music, jealousy, indecision, memories, milk, bread, chess, beds, embraces, knowledge, woods and disguised pixies. Clearing the path, a voice in the back of my head says. The path. For you, my friend.
Out of love I want to tell you that I don't want to rid you of your demons. Deal with them. Purify yourself. Face. The. Music.

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