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Life has so many twists and turns. We learn so much yet some times I feel emptied of all knowledge and just thrown into a pool of interactions. People. One of my most serious struggles at the time is how to handle the people around me. There is a line between what I want to say and what people want to hear/are used to hearing/accept hearing. Conversation can be difficult. Sometimes I get so frustrated. It's been increasingly difficult to look past things that they do and say that are plain terrible. Everyone complains about money. No one talks of love or solutions. Everyone is caught up in the made up net. Not enough love. I try to love everyone, that is my first approach on everything, yet it gets hard, when you realize that people are being controlled and plainly destroying themselves, swimming in ignorance. I've always tried to know more, make myself more aware, make this experience more of a life. Honestly, I want everyone doing that. It's impossible, I know.
Weird beliefs? I have many. So the only way to handle a blind world is by not taking it too seriously. Don't get caught up in unimportant things, in small hooks, dramas, what people think/say, money and all the others that keep us preoccupied instead of occupied in things we like. Humour, humour helps a lot as well... and finally, laugh at yourself.
life is a wide experience with a wide variety of feelings, strong and fleeting feelings that wave in and out your heart. Love it, love others. Make others happy, make yourself happy. Do something that is worth it. That's all for today.
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