after a piece of fiction and three days procrastination, here it is: a post to the newly born year.
The important thing about this new year besides the changing number in the calendar is I guess, the fact that something in the Universe, in the planet or nature must move a bit as well, or so I hope. We need a change. I honestly fear the problem is that humans have become too materialistic when actually we are beings with feelings and affections. Trust me, a kid with nice shoes is not guaranteed to be a good/better/happier kid that one without the shoes.
Anyway, that's my view, I hope for change but like MJ said, you have to start with yourself, so I'm gonna do resolutions...
1) I realize on this blog I rant a lot about my job, so my first resolution is going to be to spend my work money wisely, because its costs me my dignity or to find a better way of getting paper (ideally writing and/or painting). Basically don't spend my pay in £5 t-shirts from bad quality shops. No. There's people who would eat with that moneys.
2) To learn more violin. This is an enterprise I actually begun at 16 but since then I've moved countries and shmoked too many trees to remember, anyway, this year its happening.
3) To finish my degree with a first class degree. This one is ambitious but do-able if I put all my effort into it. I say aim higher than your arrow 'realistically' can achieve and it will go higher.
4) Be more tidy.
5) Find something to do when I graduate. I want to travel South America (my homeland) and do some volunteer work around the world, my mum thinks I need therapy before I go, its true, she thinks that'll be good for my mind. Still, I need to sort out where to go? how?
6) I've been thinking about this one for a while, this year I want to start making traditions/habits, I know its late and weird, but I want to make some traditions like 'drinking red tea on Sundays' and 'doing my laundry on Mondays' or 'always setting the table on fire on Christmas' and things of the sort, I believe having those little traditions will give me some sort of home feeling or stability in this ever changing world and specially with my ever changing mind.
7) Do more paintings and sell at least 5 of them. Why? Because I need to paint more and learn to let go.
8) Be more healthy. Like crazy Healthy. Like gree-tea-breather-olympic-runner-optimum-heart-beat-disease-free-freak healthy. and sleep more.
9) To tell the truth and get more into my philosophy.
10) (last but not least, cus I decided to do 10) is to learn Russian, my dad's language, very useful for life.
disclaimer: resolutions may be added or subtracted but only between the months of January and March, so till my birthday.
If the world ends, oh well... but I want you all to know that I tried, I tried so hard. If it doesn't, then know that I am that thing that Mayas warned you about.
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