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There's nothing I need more right now than to share with you the bizarre things I saw today in my very unlikely (for me) job. I am basically not great at life. I'm bad at relationships, I can be a shit friend, my family always looks at me with a slight air of mistrust, I'm disorganized, I dont always finish what I start, I dont eat well, dont have any timetables, I'm a pretty mess. But there are 3 things, 3 things that redeem me. 3 things I can do. They are: studying Philosophy, painting and working. I have a job at Harrods, a capitalist palace of absurd luxury and old rules. It doesnt match my ideology, at all, but they like me there and I get money. For the time being I have no choice. Today I went back to work there after a while (Christmas and fun stuff) it was bizarre. I forgot how painful their dress code is (try wearing heels standing on a marble floor for 10 hours), I forgot how rude people can be, and surprisingly, the worst are women, women with their husbands are awful. Gay men were mean today too. And you see yourself changing too. I dont think I will be able to hold this job I'm good at for long though... I felt my own voice changing when people asked me for directions and I go 'Oh yes of course madam, do you see that hall on your left?' Disgusting.
I had to distract myself counting how many men with orange trousers I could spot, turns out its quite a lot, at least 14. I mean, money earned in corrupt ways has to spent somewhere... colourful trousers!!!
Anyway, meanwhile this speedy, rich and pointless world was spinning and spending around me, I gathered a few life lessons that I hope you find useful (they definitely helped me not to hung myself)
Five lessons from my job:
1) Money definitely does not buy beauty, style or pleasantness.
2) Don't smile at men and bitches, it'll just make them more arrogant, most of the time it doesnt melt their heart; smile at the children instead.
3) Old people are the most uninhibited, if you need someone to ask an awkward question, ask your nan.
4) Everyone is different and deserves to be treated equally (this one is so cliche but I needs to be reminded to people often)
5) Good people are rare, appreciate them and keep them. Too many parasites lurk the earth.
Well, that's my lessons for tonight, now I'm off to rest my feet and get rid of the stink of perfume that haunts the whole store and surely has mind control powers.
Good night x
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