Thursday, 28 June 2012

The person you need in your life...

Most of us seat and daydream, daydream so hard and so long about the X person we need in our life, so we can have a better life, so we can be finally happy. A partner usually, a boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband/lover and external being to complete our seemingly meaningless life. Sometimes we think we need a different mother, a teacher, a better boss in order to achieve.
What I have learnt in my twists and turns in planet Earth is that if you 'need a person in your life' the best for you is TO BE that needed person. Sounds weird, yet its simple. If you want a better partner, be a better partner, to yourself. Be that mother, be that teacher, be kind, actually, be nice sometimes, stop looking outside. To expect that complement to come from outside is to stay on the level of wishful thinking, you will for ever think life is unfair because it doesn't send you a pre-packed human being. Be it. You want someone irresistible and caring and that listens and encourages and supports you? Be irresistible. Be caring. Listen. Encourage yourself and others. Support yourself and others again. Play the part in the world, transform it with your music.
Be the person you need in your life. And no, I'm not talking about eternal loneliness with you as your own best friend (although that wouldn't be too bad) I'm saying that when you become the person you need... other people will be attracted to you and your encouraging, loving, supportive, funny, irresistible personality and ways. Because you are worth it for yourself. When you practice tolerance and love to yourself, loving others, just as they are, becomes easy, becomes fun, becomes free. And so, you can choose the people that make you happy and don't try to change the ones that don't, let them go. Next person you love, doesn't have to be 'what you need', but whatever they are will be perfect, because you will then really get to discover, each other.

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Self-motivational words for you and me...

Personal growth does not happen in a straight line that goes up, like an arrow, as it's been by so many people portrayed. Growth goes in waves, up and down, wavy, in circles, non-static, growth is anything but single lined, single-minded. Personal growth and creation is the best we can do out of our brief life, or brief existence humans, here. I can't begin to stress how important growth is, to consciously better yourself, or anything. Yet, nowadays, growth is seen as a means to an end, usually money. 
Humans show you both anatomically and mentally that we are meant for growth or development. Like when you work a muscle and it gets stronger or you can train your lungs or flexibility, your body is there basically to be molded by you, to be your instrument, it only has a basic shape but it is entirely up to you on how you use this organism. Yet we insist on feeling trapped in it and feed it crap and try to cover it up with all sorts of potions that do nothing but poison our skin. Oh dear oh dear... Why drink water from the gutter when you can go to a spring? Why sit on a sofa watching other people's fake life when you can dance and sing?
To seek constancy is to seek to be static, to be unchanging is to not grow. Being fixed is not an achievement, because there is no 'top'. If you stop developing or stop learning, there is only one simple name for it, its giving up. Imagine if a doctor got his medicine degree and went on to practice and was a doctor for lets say 5 years, the medicine he would be practicing would be so outdated that it might be dangerous for him to treat people, he wouldn't know what medicines are around, what technology is around, nothing of the advances of medicine, which is actually pretty fast. In the same way, if a doctor can't stop learning, what makes people think they can? Why do we do it to ourselves? Why do we live this ridiculous comfortable existences that give us sporadic glimpses of happiness and a lot of fear and appearances and nothing else? Why? 
I sat around with my friends doing nothing. Literally nothing, we were kind of looking at each other's faces. I could sense the expectations in their eyes. They await to be entertained. They await for happiness, fun, even meaning to come from outside. They sit like public and let life go past. 
That's what annoyed me so much of that evening of doing nothing, how everyone felt and acted like an spectator, not an actor, of life. Laziness becomes the state of being, the disguise with which we cover our fear, our presumed lack of power, when we actually have all the power. We grow used to things to quickly, even bad things. Some say adaptation is a virtue, I say change the world and adapt it to you.
I've always felt this depth, not heaviness, but I feel deep inside me a sort of sadness, a caring of things, like things were really ancient, and important and sacred and valuable and alive and every word said was heard, like a spell. A feeling. A force. To use that force? To strive for something? To get some skills to make my days worth living. To make your days worth living. To unlock, to open up, to exist, to show, to create, to be, to move, to fall, to break, to breathe, to improve, to erase, to do... self-motivational words for you and me, that will hopefully stir at least the leafs. 