The first time I saw him when I got off the plane,
was when I knew, I would never be the same
and everything started with his scent.
He smelt of fog and fags
as the gentleman he is, he offered me a cab
he looked centuries old,
tall and historic
far to old for me, but well kept and heroic,
but when I got to know his corners,
he was a teenager doing graffiti
and a good skate boarder.
He took me to the same first dates, he surely takes all the others,
he shows his achievement and calls himself a monument holder.
He has plenty of jewels under a lock
and I'm sure everyone has seen his great big clock...
and his gardens are well kept,
worthy of a queen, he said.
He knows everything when it comes to the arts,
but when you get to know him better, you find he's also involved in gangs.
Its impossible to look at him and not fall in love...
he is tolerant and makes you feel at home
something about him makes you never get bored
and if you ride the tube, you find in his singularity,
every face and every story in the world.
He shines in the summer and stands proud,
he likes to seat in pub gardens and cue with crowds.
Just like me he loves music,
seeing him hold parties in the park is the most amusing.
When it comes to business he set a side of himself for it.
He wears a suit and stands tall,
I haven't yet cracked his billionaire number world.
He drinks larger and likes to party all night
he has a corner for every princess and every rat
and together we get lost and dance....
If you have money and you have him,
nothing is an impossibility.
Most days he goes to work hung over
and his dry sense of humour makes you feel lower,
but you have to understand his dark charm
to fall in love and get a flat, in his arm.
We moved in together,
his bad mood causes bad weather,
he takes far too much of my money,
some days makes me feel like its not worth it,
but then he insists and he is always on time
and I slave myself, just to be with him again.
But don't get me wrong, I'm not a masochist,
its just that with him,any dream can exist!
He makes you beautiful, he has everything I like,
he is packed with theaters and he is packed with brands
but he knows the rules in hand,
nothing with him is free...
I dance right in his hands but still feel free to be.
Some say he is unfriendly,
but I know this man
somewhere in him, there is space for everyone.
He speaks all languages and he also talks slang.
If you catch him angry he shouts in cockney
and he moves fast, fast for money.
He holds all the seriousness of an old gentleman on his shoulders,
but he makes you draw outside the boarders.
I'm afraid that if you make me choose,I will not let him loose
the sunniest beaches don't compare to his melancholy.
He's survived black death,
he survived chicken pox
and dare I say, also a few bombs,
and his name is....
well his name is LONDON.
azile x
photo by Ian Veretilo